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2025-2026 WI Animal Legislation
Voting & Elections
Chronic Wasting Disease in WI
Animal Research in WI
Pandemics and WI's factory farms
Take Action
Humane Scorecards
Puppy Mills in Wisconsin
Animal Cruelty in WI
Wolves & Wildlife
Coyote killing
Bald Eagles
Bear & Coyote hounds
Captive Wildlife Training
Fact Sheets
About Us
2025-2026 WI Animal Legislation
Voting & Elections
Chronic Wasting Disease in WI
Animal Research in WI
Pandemics and WI's factory farms
Take Action
Humane Scorecards
Puppy Mills in Wisconsin
Animal Cruelty in WI
Wolves & Wildlife
Coyote killing
Bald Eagles
Bear & Coyote hounds
Captive Wildlife Training
Fact Sheets
League of Humane Voters®
Wisconsin Chapter
2025-2026 WI Animal Legislation